mrjeffmccarthy's blog

Pimento Cheese & Grits Dutch Crunch Sourdough

Profile picture for user mrjeffmccarthy

This is a popular flavor I do for our local farmers market. The loaves are packed with pimento cheese (that a friend makes,) and topped with a dutch crunch that uses corn grits instead of rice flour. These things are dang tasty. Please excuse formatting, the formulas are cut and pasted from my recipe spreadsheet. 

Grits Dutch Crunch Recipe (prepare the day before)

Seed Monster Sourdough

Profile picture for user mrjeffmccarthy

Naturally Leavened seeded sourdough with chia, golden flax, and hemp seeds. Crusted with everything topping. Nutritionally dense and packed with flavor. 


60g hemp seed

60g ground flax seed

60g chia seed

360g h20 @210F


580g bread flour (I used locally milled) 

144g whole wheat (I milled my own hard red winter wheat) 

22g wheat germ 

557g H20 (77%)

17g salt  (2.4%)