Michael Davis's blog

Pain Integral

Profile picture for user Michael Davis

I've made exciting progress on my 100% whole grain loaf (pain integral). This particular loaf is made from home-milled whole wheat (77%) and whole rye (23%), and 85% hydration (I also dusted it with some white flour). It's been my ambition since I started to bake naturally fermented bread to make whole grain loaves like this (with good oven spring, open crumb, pleasing taste, and hardy crust). I still have a lot of improvements I want to make but I know it's just a matter of time now :)

On Failure & Progress -- Don't be so hard on yourself

Profile picture for user Michael Davis

I just wanted to post this side-by-side of one of my first loaves and a more recent loaf to illustrate the importance of failing well. I believe that in endeavors such as this, there is no such thing as failure as long as you learn from it. I baked the loaf on the left on January 18th; the loaf on the right on February 5th. I baked a bunch in between, adjusting my methods, recipe, and handling techniques, all while taking a lot of notes. I also talked frequently with a friend who was further along than I was in baking this style of bread. 

Pain Complet

Profile picture for user Michael Davis

I love bread. 70% total grain, home milled flour (57% wheat, 13% rye); 30% white flour (King Arthur); 80% hydration. I'm fairly new to natural yeast fermented baking, and brand new to this site. I baked this loaf a few weeks ago, and have been experimenting with a lot things since then to gain understanding of the inner workings of this beautiful and delicious food. Suffice it to say, none of them have turned out as well as this one (yet!) :)