Laura T.'s blog

Back in the Game

Profile picture for user Laura T.

I haven't been around on here for a while with my gluten free creations as I've been trying to sort out my health once and for all. After switching to a different medical practice, I have found out that my diagnosis of coeliac disease was not justified and that all my issues were in fact down to something much simpler which can be treated with regular supplements and diet (I already had a healthy diet, but need to incorporate more of certain foods).

My First Cornmeal Sourdough

Profile picture for user Laura T.

I created a new starter last week from just cornmeal and water (150% hydration) as a bit of an experiment. It has a really nice sour smell to it and I've been so excited to bake with it. This is my first loaf using the new starter. It was really tasty, slightly sour. My husband really loved it!

Back to Basics Baguettes

Profile picture for user Laura T.

I decided to try making a straightforward baguette, as a quick alternative to my overnight version. It turned out pretty nice. Enjoyed it with the first bottle of this year's elderflower sparkling wine. Will write about this on my blog too.

Sorghum, Rice & Quinoa SD Bâtard

Profile picture for user Laura T.
My last sourdough starter had an unfortunate accident in which it ended up all over my kitchen floor, along with pieces of its glass container. So, I started a new one and yesterday it was ready to use. I fed it about 2 hours before making this recipe. It turned out really great!

My Gluten Free Bread Flour Blend

Profile picture for user Laura T.

Wrote about this on my blog the other day and thought I may as well post it her too :)

Bread Flour – 450g
180g corn starch (often called cornflour here in the UK)
125g sorghum flour
85g stone ground white rice flour
60g red teff flour

Overnight Sourdough Rice & Teff Baguettes

Profile picture for user Laura T.

I made baguettes with no wheat and it was good. Like, really good. Better than I could ever have hoped. I know that some of the processes I follow aren't ideal when it comes to traditional bread-making, but without gluten it seems that everything changes.