Kaipea's blog

FWYS - Saturday 75% Whole Wheat

Profile picture for user Kaipea


Made this bread recipe a day ago. :) It was delicious! The crust is really crunchy, crumb is chewy. Since I don't have a Dutch oven (nor a proofing basket) I baked the dough on a cookie sheet so I didn't get that pretty bread on the cover nevertheless the bread is great!


White Sandwich Bread Dough

Profile picture for user Kaipea

This year I've decided I want to be a pro, become a baker. Make pretty and delicious bread that a lot will enjoy.

Last tuesday, I bought called Della Fattoria and baked my first loaf (from the book) a White Sandwich Bread the next day.

Day One:


The recipe yielded to a kilo of dough, not wanting to end up with a lot of bread I halved the recipe.

Spanish Bread

Profile picture for user Kaipea
Bread Flour100%1000g300g
Shortening (butter / Margarine)5%50g15g
Milk Powder5%50g15g
(30g/ 64pcs)