ka-bar's blog

Starter from scratch success... finally!

Profile picture for user ka-bar

So in a previous blog entry, I copied over a journal I was keeping about trying to start a starter from scratch. Don’t read it, it’s not worth it. 

The long and short of it is:  though I have about a decade of experience baking with sourdough and maintaining a starter, I’d never started a culture from scratch. Oh, I’d tried, but always gave up and bought some or acquired from friends, etc.

Sourdough starter doldrums...

Profile picture for user ka-bar

I’m just going to copy and paste the last week of a “new starter” journal I started on my phone. I started it to get my thoughts out and organize them as I agonized at the 8 day mark of starting a starter from scratch. For background, I have baked with sourdough off and on for the last 12 years and have almost no experience with bakers yeast. I’ll do it for a time and set it aside for a time as my interest wanes. I’ve saved starters in the fridge for long periods, or thrown them away and later bummed some from friends. I have never cultured my own.