Joyofgluten's blog

Type 1050 Flaxy/oat porridge bread

Profile picture for user Joyofgluten
The week started off well, this batch of flaxy oat porridge bread tasted some kind of fine.
This is from a formula that's developed into a regular item here, it's made with type 1050 wheat flour from a nearby regional mill, from across the Rhein on the German side. A seperate levain, poolish and flax soaker, each make up 9% of the flour bill, oat porridge comes in at 5%. A 0.5% fresh yeast addition is added to the final dough, approx. total hydration is 78%ish. I slide these into a 240C oven and steam them well, the crust action is pretty decent.

A wee burst of summer

Profile picture for user Joyofgluten

A wee burst of summer
Buttermilk Aromastück brot fueled by the grainy sweetness of an Aromastück concoction, prepared from rye&wheat, straight off the grinder stones. This comes together with oatmeal porridge, buttermilk and a dark wheat flour levain for a full spectrum of aroma/flavour. Hybrid leavened, 0.4% fresh yeast. 20% buttermilk.


Profile picture for user Joyofgluten

A simple braid made with a milk and AP whiteflour dough. 
10% butter, 3% sugar, 2% salt, 2% fresh yeast.
Milk made up 100% of the liquids, this I made extra cold by placing it in the freezer for a half hour before mixing the dough.
The target end dough temperature is approx. 22C, it's quite firm and is given an intensive kneading before adding the cold butter.

Out of the cold into the fire (brick)

Profile picture for user Joyofgluten

The nights are getting colder here, my thoughts have been turning to overnight outdoor proofing schemes. 
For this bread, I started with a 45 min. autolyse, then minimal machine mixing in stages. The bulk  ferment was in the five hour range.
The loaves spent the night, seam down in baskets, and coved up inside of a large plastic box outside in the cold.
Outside the temp. dropped to +5c, I suspect that inside the box it was closer to +9.

Where the baker parks the 2CV

Profile picture for user Joyofgluten

I sliced a loaf from mondays bake in half and discovered a hole big enough to park the 2CV in. I was after large holes but not quite to this degree. I've since cut into another loaf from the batch, it was much tamer.