jasperdrak's blog

(Très) Pain (très) Rustique - this was supposed to be 8 cheese rolls

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Oops. Well - you can't win 'em all. This monster was supposed to be 8 cheese topped white rolls (http://www.food.com/recipe/cheesy-bread-rolls-124244). I had a nice bit of cheese going spare so thought I'd give them a go. I used Doves Farm organic white flour. I'm staying at my friend's house (cat sitting) and she has an excellent oven so I couldn't resist trying it out. The dough was very wet and unworkable as I tried to knock it back and knead it. I have no idea what I did wrong.

Scottish Bread Rolls

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The experimentation and excitement continues. Who knew you could get excited by a bread roll? Forgive me - I'm a newbie remember. I haven't tried using white flour or making white bread so I thought I would start small, half a roll recipe and see what happened. I made these four wee things yesterday. The recipe is here: http://www.thebreadkitchen.com/recipes/scottish-morning-rolls-recipe/