Janetcook's blog
Cranberries, Figs,Raisins, Currants and Whole Wheat

A few weeks back yozzause/Derek mentioned a 'local' cookbook, BOURKE STREET BAKERY, in his blog and it caught my attention. I wasn't able to obtain a copy of the book from my local library so, to satisfy my curiosity, I plunged in and actually purchased a copy sight unseen. Luckily the risk was well worth it. A real beauty in appearance and all that it contains within its covers.
Whole Wheat Pumpkin Cardamom Loaf

When a friend showed up at my front door with a freshly picked pumpkin in her arms I didn't have to think much as to how it would be 'put to use'. Recently I had found a recipe for a spiced pumpkin loaf on a food blogger's site (Annie's Eats) that had caught my attention. While the original recipe didn't include cardamom, I somehow decided to include it in my ingredient list. I am glad I did. I also used WY to leaven the loaves rather than IY…..I just can't resist tweaking recipes :*)
Harvest Apple Challah

Lately, when I give someone a loaf of bread, they hand me a bag of freshly picked apples in exchange. Not one for standing over a hot stove making applesauce I have been transforming and preparing them for their next destination by baking them into my breads.
100% Honey Whole Wheat Sandwich Loaf with Roux and SD
When I began baking a couple of years ago I soon found out that my family all loved freshly baked bread. It was a rewarding feeling to be able to bake something fresh and wholesome for them.
Within a short period of time I discovered that each had a preference for a particular type of bread. In other words, one loaf did not fit all. My journey began to find the ONE loaf that would satisfy them all.
It has been about 3 years and I have finally found that loaf.
100% Whole Wheat Sweet Potato Pecan Bread
I couldn't resist posting today's bake for a couple of reasons. The first being that this formula has won lots of praise from those for whom I currently bake. The second reason stems from the fact that it is a result of good old tweaking. It was inspired by a recent post of hanseata's.
100% Whole Grain Anadama Bread
Back again with a loaf I can't resist writing about because of the aromas the ingredients filled my house with while it was being prepared.
The corn meal used in this loaf was cooked in the morning along with part of the water, all of the molasses and all of the coconut oil. It was left to sit out and cool all day. The fragrance from the pot was intoxicating.
The results were a loaf with a beautiful dark golden crust and a very soft crumb.
Honey Whole Wheat with Poppy Seeds and Lemon Zest

Sometimes there is a loaf that I just love baking. This is such a loaf and I think it is due to the fact that it is a simple dough that has a luxurious feel to it - especially after it has fermented all night in the refrigerator. It also has a wonderful aroma created by the lemon zest and the poppy seeds add a delightful texture and, I think, simply look spunky.
All Tied Up In Knots
Sometimes I love to do something different when shaping a loaf of bread. All 3 of my children took Irish Step dancing lessons for quite some time so I am partial to most things Celtic. When I saw instructions for shaping dough into a Celtic knot I knew I had to give it a go.