itsbarbarino's blog

50/50 Batard - Lindley Mills Super Sprout & Bread Flour

Profile picture for user itsbarbarino

Howdy folks!

A few months back while doing some genealogy research, I discovered that I was related to a miller in North Carolina- my 7th great grandfather was Thomas W. Lindley, founder of Lindley Mills. I hadn't heard of Lindley Mills before and was super eager to try out their flour. I ordered 25lbs of bread flour and really liked it- it baked nicely, and I powered through a ton of it getting my chops up on the Ooni doing pizza. It's a great price, and affordable shipped to Atlanta from NC.

Patience and My First Successful Sourdough Loaf

Profile picture for user itsbarbarino

I've been a long time lurker on this forum. I started baking back in 2018, getting really into rustic/lean breads (I made the Bouabsa Baguette 3 times a week during the early COVID days), and over the last year have expanded into more adventurous flavors and pizza's. This forum is such an amazing treasure trove of experience, and you guys have taught me so much over the last 5 years, so I figured I'd share this here.