HMerlitti's blog

My biscotti is eating my icing


The recipe provides an icing on the biscotti.   Wonderful.   Sounds good.    But in my application the cold biscotti absorbs the icing.   The icing is not cold but it is warm.   Is there something I should add to it??    I want the frosting to cake and be visible on the outside of the biscotti.

1 cup confectionary sugar
3 1/2 tablespoons milk
2 drops of lemon juice
2 drops of extract (of your choice)
1 tablespoon orange juice
Zest of the orange

Why do I need to sift my flour ??


Sorry all, The "Keyword" does not get printed in the post.   I put "Carol Field in the Italian Baker" in the Keyword so you would know the source of the reference.  Page 36 if you have the book.


She says, "Never sift flour for bread; always for pastries and cookies."   How does one sift??  Would an ordinary strainer do or do you need a flour sifter??

Secondly, what are we sifting for?   Do we expect lumps in the flour or are we adding air??

What the big deal about double zero flour.???


I went to the local Italian store and bought 5 pound of Antimo Caputo (from Naples) flour.   First of all, it is expensive.  I think it was $5 for 4 pounds or was it $15 for 5 pounds, I do not remember.   I didn't care because I wanted to try it.

I made several 1 pound portions, used two and froze the others in separate oiled freezer bags.