highmtnpam's blog

Best medicine after horrible accident


My husband and I were involved in a terrible car accident January 9. Among other injuries, he has a broken neck and i have a very badly broken right arm. God was there and we will mend and be good as new.  I got my computer after three days in the hospital. in between surgeries, etc I read TFL.  It was the best medicine available. I have enjoyed every picture and all the comments. It was so nice to follow the experiments and experiences of all the loafers. I will say, some pictures were better than others depending on the amount of morphine I had on board.

CoverMate Stretch-to-Fit


For the second proof, i cover my bannetons with clear shower caps from the motel. They don't last very and my stash is gone.  Think how happy I was to find this new product (at least I've never seen it before).  It has 10 covers. They are medium, large and x-large and they will cover round or oblong. THey seem to be pretty good quality.  Doing the happy dance :)  I'm sure people in King Souper's though I was crazy.   Pam

Sourdough Starter


Hey all!  Bread rises faster at high altitude.  Do you think that sourdough starter would rise faster when you are doing builds, etc.?  

The question never occurred to me until today.  Thanks,   Pam

First Hello from the high mountains of Colorado.


Hello from highmtnpam. We live at 9200' above sea level with the Continental Divide on three sides of our small town. I love the site because it keeps me in touch with other "breadies" (if you can be a foodie why can't you be a breadie)  I am just learning to post and include pictures but look forward to the challenge.  I consider my self a good baker, but have already learned so much, I feel that I may be on my way to a "very" good baker.   Hello again,  Pam