Gill63's blog

Mutigrain seeded sourdough, feedback on batard, please


Multigrain, seeded bread - using up end of bag of wholemeal flour, hence 84g wholemeal, 75g dark rye, 300g white bead flour, with 3malt sunflower seed flour to make up to 800g, 400g 50% starter, 650g water. Autolysed for just under an hour, 20g salt added and dough developed. 150g mixed ‘seeds’ added towards end of slap and folds (cut malted rye grains, pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, linseed,poppy), then 3 sets of stretch and folds over next hour and a half, as dough seemed slacker than I was expected. In total, 4 hours of bulk at room temp (probably about 66-68 as heating not on initially).

Post-holiday baking


Recently we went on a ski holiday, which was great fun, but I managed to slip over on an icy pavement when walking back to the chalet in ski boots. (No falls on the piste!) Landed on my right side, and my elbow hasn’t quite settled down yet. It didn’t interfere with skiing, but now that I’m home it is a good excuse reason to get out of the hoovering!

Leftover Christmas Party Bread


 So, Thursday afternoon saw the annual Leftover Christmas Party at friends. Part of the fun is a vague idea, but no certainty of what there is going to be to eat. Christmas leftovers, but quite what,and in what form. I made a turkey and ham pie, and also wanted to take some bread (it is sort of expected, after all, and gives me a further excuse to bake).

Inspiration came from a link in the Christmas edition of Bread Magazine e-mail,

2nd go with Medieval Peasant Flour


Hybrid loaf using Lammas Fayre Medieval Peasant flour. (Previous attempt with all LFMP flour tasted good but quite cakey- not nearly as light as that produced by Lechem)

Not sure if proofing or slashing was the issue.....


....but at least the photo seems the right way up!

The clocks have gone back, the weather is definitely cooler, and I’m not sure if I should adjust my schedule. I usually start between 1 and 2pm with a short autolyse, develop dough with slap and fold and then do 2 or 3 lots of stretch and folds depending on how the dough feels. I’ve been shaping about 6pm before putting bannetons in the fridge at some point before bed and baking straight from there in the morning