George_AZ's blog

Whole Wheats, Rye, and Semolina

Profile picture for user George_AZ

I've made a variety of breads in the last few weeks.  First of are a couple types of whole wheat bread.

This one is a 100% whole wheat bread at about 90% hydration.  The bread had a nice whole wheat flavor with minimal sourness.  The crumb felt dense but was not dry.  I would have liked more flavor contribution from the starter.

Dark Silesian Rye

Profile picture for user George_AZ

This first bread is the dark Silesian rye from Leader's Local Breads.  I like how the loaf looks, and it tastes and smells wonderful like good rye breads do.

This next loaf was a whole wheat and rye sandwich loaf that I brushed with olive oil.  It had a nice texture and was great spread with hummus or used for sandwiches.

Rice Porridge Bread: From Worry to Wonder

Profile picture for user George_AZ

The process of making this loaf moved me from a sense of worry and frustration at the low point to a state of surprise and wonder at the finish.  I baked the rice porridge loaf from Tartine 3 this week (25% whole wheat, sourdough, brown rice).


Some breads this year

Profile picture for user George_AZ

A whole wheat sandwich loaf with blueberries and rolled oats. It made delicious toast :)

The Old World Baguette Redux from Leader's Local Breads.

Based on the same recipe as above with more whole wheat flour and baked lighter like an Italian bread.


Hello Everyone!

Profile picture for user George_AZ

I've been baking bread at home for about 5 years.  I mainly use recipes from Leader's Local Breads, Robertson's Tartine 1 and 3, and a few of Reinhart's books.  I like making a variety of breads, but I tend to favor those using sourdough and whole grains. My starter, Tom, is about 5 years old and is currently fed with AP flour.

I've enjoyed reading the blogs and recipes on this site, and I look forward to learning more about bread making with everyone!