Dorians mom's blog

New day... *sigh* new starter


I let the daily feedings lapse on my wonderful original starter, and by Sunday morning it had a fruity smell to it.  I didn't think it was a bad smell, but it certainly wasn't sour!  It almost had a pineapple scent to it.  Perhaps I could have salvaged it, but didn't decide to try.  I tossed it out, and started over.  I still used the yeast recipe from before, but this starter is quite different from the original.  I don't like it as much; it doesn't please me with a redolent yeast or sour smell.  It's a good starter, don't get me wrong, but it's

Cold and flat


I made up a simple dough last night and planned to leave the bowl by the woodstove, which actually went cold a lot sooner than I was hoping for, so the dough tried to rise in a 60* house.  I turned my oven on this am, and let it warm up for a minute before turning it back off and setting the bread bowl inside.  I'm not sure if I can expect my dough to rise any more, and that's fine.  I'll punch it down soon and then get it ready for 2nd rising prior to baking. 

New baker, sort of, with a new sourdough starter

Last year at the local grocery I chanced upon a sourdough starter packet, and decided to buy it. Months later, I finally had some time to put it together. I put the container on the back burner of the stove, and baked something so that the heat would come up through that burner and keep the container nice and warm. Too effective. I killed the yeast, but I gave the mess about two days to really start stinking before I admitted instantaneous defeat. The yeast of my soul felt killed too. So last week, on Friday, I started a new sourdough sponge. From scratch.