cristina.w's blog

Recent sourdoughs!

Profile picture for user cristina.w

As a student, baking has become a wonderful way to work and create in a different way as well as relieve stress! These past few months have been full of final papers and exams, but with some nice baking breaks. I thought I would post the photos from a few loaves lately!

Two of the sourdough miches I bake most often!

Pain d'épi

Profile picture for user cristina.w

I had intended to try baguettes again a few weekends ago, but some cookbook photos of a pain d’épi changed my mind. So much crust on these!

I made a basic baguette following this formula:

-       500 g levain

-       750 g AP flour

-       10 g salt

-       0.5 teaspoon instant yeast

-       430 g water

Sourdough Experiments

Profile picture for user cristina.w

Hello! This is my first post on TFL, after a year of following along as I've begun bread baking. I'm looking forward to participating occasionally and enjoying this wonderful community! 

I started a liquid levain on January 1st, and named him Munchkin. He's contributed to a number of sourdough loaf experiments with darker flours. Both loafs pictured were from a "pain de campagne" recipe I adapted and had great flavour!