Cory_v's blog

First attempt at pizza

Profile picture for user Cory_v

The dough is from here. But I only had white four so... wasn´t really country dough. Made the sauce myself which turned out pretty good. Got the sauce recipe from here. I made a nasty mistake with the dough though. Lets just say the outside of the pie crust ended up much thicker then the middle. Live and learn I suppose.

Second loaf a couple days later

Profile picture for user Cory_v

Once I got my feet wet, like many, I was no longer scared of yeast! lol

So I made a loaf my wife had requested. A walnut scallion bread. I could not find a recipe for this online so I just winged it. It needs more scallions! But the walnuts are coming through great! Anyways, pretty good for my second loaf ever.  :D

I used this as the method.

If anyone has advice, feel free to let me know any mistakes. I´m here to learn! Just play nice eh?

My intro and first loaf!

Profile picture for user Cory_v

Greetings all on TFL! My name is Cory, I´m new here as you can see. I finally got the nerve to bake some bread so thought I would share here. I have some experience with cookies, muffins, pancakes and crepes. Even tried a no yeast pizza dough (which was not worth trying again..). But until a couple days ago I had not touched yeast. Now that I have, to me it is similar to forcing yourself to dip your toe into a river for the first time, but once you´re completely in the water you don´t want to get out.