Corinaesq's blog

Swabian Pretzels (Laugenbrezeln)

Profile picture for user Corinaesq

There have been other posts dealing with pretzels and whether to use a lye bath or not. I am firmly in the lye bath camp, and I can assure you, no self-respecting German baker would even consider making pretzels without it. And, being a self-respecting German baker, from a long line of German bakers, I give you my recipe for making Laugenbrezeln, with a lye bath ("Laugenbrezeln" means "lye pretzels," so if you don't use lye, don't call them Laugenbrezeln):

1 lb., 6 oz. (5 cups) bread flour

12 oz. (1 1/2 cups) warm water

5 Tbs. of soft, unsalted butter