Challah Back's blog

Saturday's bake: Sourdough with a bit o' rye


I've been playing with bwraith's no-knead sourdough formula and tried to adjust it for the vagaries of October in Wisconsin.  I've landed on what seems to be a fine method (for October in Wisconsin).  


With apologies to bwraith, whose baker blog I've been stalking, here's the formula I used:


50 g 100% hydration starter

320 g water

450 g flour (roughly 10% rye, 45% each AP and Dakota Maid bread flour)

9 g salt


New to TFL; let's kick it off with some Wild Yeast Sourdough English Muffins!


Well . . . I'm new here.  Started baking about two years ago when I shaped some leftover pizza dough into a breadstick-sized baguette and never looked back.  Got into sourdough this past summer when a friend gave me a starter that had been given to her father, a dentist in Bend, Oregon, in lieu of payment for dental work, back in 1963.  Here are some English muffins the little guy helped raise.  Adapted from this formula at Wild Yeast, using white whole wheat flour.