Beka's blog

Pumpkin Scones (Video)


Mmm... that *time* of the year again when all the pumpkin recipes start poppin' up everywhere. I live in the lovely equatorial tropics, which means our pumpkins are of the green-and-white variety and we get them all year round (just without the carving). I believe that this recipe works for American pumpkins as well.


Japanese Kabocha Pumpkins

Flaky Olive Oil (Laminated?) Pastry


Hello fellow bakers, it's been a long time! I'd even forgotten my account/login details. I just wanted to post about some recent pastry experiments and discuss the technique with more experienced bakers who understand the sciences and arts behind things.


Below: Rustic apple pie made with flour, yogurt, vegetable oil*, and sugar.


Bagels Experiment


What's fun about working with natural yeast is that I can throw together anything and just play around.So I just watched a couple of videos on bagels, and made 4 bagels of my own.The photos are from my phone, so they're not very clear.


Hi! My first naturally leavened bread.


Hi to all! I'm a teenage baker, who has been into cakes and cupcakes and cookies and pies (but not much of pastry). One of my passions has always been beautiful, crafted breads, the like of which are seen on this site. I hope very much to contribute as much to this site as I have already gained from it and continue to gain.

I'm home-based, which means that I research, order books, and study them, trying out recipes at home. My favorite cookbook author has to be Rose Levy Beranbaum, who is thorough and precise, and whose recipes always satisfy.