bakeshack's blog

Tartine Country Loaf


I decided to go back and make the Tartine Country Loaf for a change since I've been making a lot of whole grain mix loaves lately.  It is still one of the best breads for me . . . I just love it fried in butter, slathered with Nutella or fig jam.   

85% CM ABC unmalted
15% CM Organic Stone Ground Whole Wheat
80% Water
20% Leaven
2% Salt

Tartine Loaf using 85% Extraction flour


This is a Tartine-style loaf I made using 100% Central Milling Old Country Type 85 (high extraction) flour.  I was very happy with the result since I got an extremely tender crumb with the my ideal crumb structure.  I can finally enjoy my favorite Tartine loaf with some added nutrition from this type of flour.  

Here is the final dough recipe which should yield a 3-lb loaf. 

100% CM Old Country Type 85 flour - 725 gr

85% Water - 616 gr

Pain au Gruyere


So here is my take on the classic Cheese bread.  I love the flavor and aroma of melted/toasted gruyere cheese. I wanted this flavor to infuse my basic sourdough loaf without getting muddled in the process.  I have seen several different types of this bread but all of them simply mix the cheese (either cubed or grated) in the dough during the mixing/kneading stage.  I wanted something more "in your face" gruyere, melted/toasted cheese flavor in every slice while, at the same time, achieving a very rustic-looking country bread.