ATHK72's blog

Sundried Apricots Walnuts Sourdough


I gave watching the clock and finally achieved the results I wanted. Very happy with the crumb! According to my husband, it was amazingly tasty. 

This is a standard bakers percentage recipe. I did folds in intervals of 30 to 40mins, depending on what the dough told me. Apricots and walnuts were added during lamination. 

I made this


I have been baking terrible loaves lately. They were like more discs than loaves. I  decided to throw out time watching and feel the dough instead. Switched out the stainless steel pan for a cast iron skillet to generate all that steam. Abe was really encouraging with his pointers. I learned plenty from Trevor Wilson's Breadwerx and videos. And from Full Proof Baking (she has amazing hands) videos. 

I think I am almost there. 

Regular Bakers Percentage Recipe