Anconas's blog

Enjoying the journey - 10% Rye SD

Profile picture for user Anconas

The first month of bread has been refreshing, and tasty :)  Many mistakes and trial and error, fun stuff.

I really wanted to get to sourdough and I'm having success with my starter.  I'm reading books, but TFL is an amazing translation tool for application.

How many ways to mess up one bread :)

Profile picture for user Anconas

First, I can mis remember the amount of flour I'm measuring and end up at 72% hydration instead of 70%.

Then I can set the levain/flour/water to pseudo autolyse for 30 minutes, get an urgent call and come back to it 1.5 hours later.

Then I can start to work the dough, remarking how much slacker it was than last time and realize, after 15 minutes of slap and folds appearing to accomplish nothing, that I forgot the salt.

Beginner Baguettes - Take III

Profile picture for user Anconas

Thanks to a lot of wonderful feedback, I've made some modifications to suit my space better and to contribute to improved bread making.

1. Trying a stone dutch oven to explore the difference in the baking process using stone.  In just two bakes it is very clear how dramatic a difference the stone makes. 

Nice Beginner Bagettes - Thanks TFL!

Profile picture for user Anconas

Last week it was so cold I spent a lot of time making kefir cheeses and web surfing.  Found a site that used kefir as a sourdough starter so I decided to give it a try.  Followed the starter directions and looked for a recipe online to make a loaf.  Found a blog site that had pictures so I followed it.  I produced two loaves - boules - that had some flavor but the texture was extremely lacking.  I decided to pursue an actual sourdough starter and basic sourdough bread so I hit the library.  I have a culture in progress and needed something to do while it mature