Thegreenbaker's blog

KAM is cursed.

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My old new love KAM, is cursed. Or so it seems.

He committed suicide 2 weeks ago, by walking himself off the kitchen bench whilst mixing dough.

I finally had him replaced and on the second use the height adjustment was somehoiw altered and just scraped the bowl so hard that the protective white covering of the dough hook scraped clean off.

The bowl seems alright. A few scratches, on the bottom, but seemed enough to mix up another batch of dough (as I threw out the now contaminated dough in the bowl) which the paddle attachment.

I have a new toy. :)

Profile picture for user Thegreenbaker

Hubby and I discussed the pros and cons of a dough mixer.

The pros won and I now own a kitchen aid artisan miser! We took a 5 year warranty out on it just in case, so now, I am going to go mad this week playing with it!





Profile picture for user Thegreenbaker

Yesterday, we were heading out for the day and we were also out of bread. I decided to throw together some dough and stick it in the fridge until today.

So, I put 4 cuops of sifted wholewheat (14%protein) and about 2cups of water and 1/2 cup milk (its thirsty flour) added some oil and salt also. I only put 1 teaspoon of yeast and everything was quite cool. I then let it sit for 20 mins to align the gluten while I got ready, then kneaded it for about 2 mins,,,,,not even that really....and threw it in the fridge.


Bad run

Profile picture for user Thegreenbaker

I donbt know what I am doing at the moment, but the last 3 batches of bread I have made have sucked.

Seriously sucked.


Undercooked, no oven spring, dense, the only thing I can say is that they were tasty enough.

I tried the 5 mins a day master recipe and I didnt like it. I used whole wheat and that may have been the problem but I found it waaaaaaaaaay toooooo salty for my linking.

Artisan bread school

Profile picture for user Thegreenbaker

I went on a whim googling for artisan bread classes seeing as there doesnt seem to be anything like KA here, that I have discovered yet.


My first stop...and this is WHERE I stopped because it just blew me out of the water!

The Artisan Bread School. *cries*

I found this course

I want so bad to do it, but the money and time away from home is just too much to ask for.




Yeasted Apple Cinnamon Cake.

Profile picture for user Thegreenbaker


It got a little mangled as I didnt line the tin and it stuck. :S But, How delicious.

I have always wondered what I would do to make a cake minus the raising agents! Some one posted I think on here their version, it was I think Nectarine? I may be delusional so who knows.

I found the recipe, and made the cake and it is almost gone (and it isnt even 24 hours old!