February 15, 2023 - 7:59pm
80% Hydration Starter to 100% Hydration Starter Question
Question - I have a FWSY 80% hydration starter. The 123 recipe calls for 100% hydration starter. If I take 18 grams of my 80% (10g of flour, 8g of water), add 65 g of flour and 67g of water, will I have a 100% hydration starter? If so, could I could then use 100g of starter for the 123 recipe?.
Backstory - I have baked 5.5 FWSY Overnight Country Brown ("OCB" - page 173) bricks in the last 10 days, so going to try something different. I say 1/2 a brick because one loaf had a little oven spring and tasted so good that I am eating it. The other 5 were unfit for animal or bird consumption.
i think you can math your way into whatever levain/starter hydration you need for a particular recipe. i’ve done it on a few occasions when a recipe called for a stiff starter (mine lives at 100%).
if you’re having issues with recipes in FWSY, i’d recommend starting a thread on that. many folks on here have baked those recipes and have good advice about how to troubleshoot them. (my understanding is that most people do not find his recipe timings to work well for them.)
hope this helps,
Thank you. I may start a new thread. I did figure out that times were wrong, and someone on this site said to "watch the dough not the time".
I've made a spreadsheet to do exactly that. I have a stiff rye culture that I need to convert to a liquid white flour levain.
Just down load the spreadsheet from my Dropbox before playing. You can change the values in the yellow cells. This is the first stage to elaborate to the final levain.
Nice use of Excel. Appreciate it.