The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Flour types

Mark Sealey's picture
Mark Sealey

Flour types

When Bob's Red Mill stopped supplying online direct I bought a larger bag (25 lbs) of Artisan Bread Flour than I would normally be able to use.

The wonderful experts at The Fresh Loaf successfully guided me through a freezing and bagging process; it's in an airtight tub.

But I've been going back to Flour Water Salt Yeast (and having some significant successes) where on page 49 Ken Forkish suggests opting for a lower protein flour (11% - 12%) than the BRM Artisan, which is 12%-14%.

Can I still use this flour for Ken Forkish's recipes, please?

Any allowances I should make?


naturaleigh's picture

You could sub in some of the total grams of bread flour called for with some AP flour.  I've done that in the past with good results.

Mark Sealey's picture
Mark Sealey

Thanks, @naturaleigh; that's a great idea.

Say 10% AP and 90% (in quantity) the bread flour I have?

Another Girl's picture
Another Girl

Hi Mark. When I first started baking from FWSY, I had a hard time getting the doughs to hold together with AP flour. I switched to bread flour and had better results. The bread was delicious. So the answer to your question is yes, you can absolutely make Ken's breads with your bread flour. If you prefer the texture or handling you get with a lower protein mix, work in some lower protein flour as Leigh suggests. Add a few extra grams of water if the dough feels too stiff (but that's not a complaint people usually have with Ken's formulas). I don't think you'll be at all disappointed in the lovely breads you bake up with the flour you have on hand.  –AG

Mark Sealey's picture
Mark Sealey

Another Girl,

Many thanks for that helpful post!

To know others have found it possible is really encouraging.

I'll confidently experiment with the suggestions that you and Leigh kindly offer.

I have bakes one really successful loaf from FWSY so far; and that was with all bread flour. So I can't think that I'll have much to change.

After all there is overlap at 12%…