Making a starter, when to do the next steps

Profile picture for user Heikjo

Preface: I have made made multiple starters and baked with sourdough for six years.

I wanted to make a new starter since I wasn’t sure about the properties of my current one after periods in the fridge, unfed on the counter a day and feeding workflow. It rises well and works great in a dough, but I wonder if it’s become too acidic.

I used 50g water and 50g wheat, same as I feed my existing starter. It’s quite hot right now and kitchen temperatures can get up into 28C/82F during daytime.

After 24 hours it was bubbly and looking good. I fed it another 50:50 and the starter took off. After 4-5 hours it had doubled and not long after it started to collapse. The plan was to let it sit 24 hours, but I fed it another 50:50 that evening. Next morning it had risen some, but now with most of the flour being 2-3 days old, not as much. It looked lively.

I decided to discard all but 50g and feed it 50:50 again. This time it didn’t rise much and now 12 hours later it’s not had much activity.

Did it hurt the starter to let it sit for many hours after having peaked and collapsed again? Should I have fed it more as it peaked or discarded and fed, rather than let it sit in that state longer? It smelled nice the first few feedings, but has now taken on more of a acetone or acidic smell.

It’s common to see starter instructions say that you should let it sit 24 hours after each step, but if it’s growing faster and has peaked with fi. 16 hours left, should I feed it then and watch the starter rather than the clock? When I started baking with sourdough I used the clock, with varying results. Now I have learned to read and feel the dough and let it decide when to do the next step. Same with my existing starter, I feed it mostly after it has peaked and not at set intervals.

Stir at 12 hr intervals, when there is little to no rise after 12 hrs, feed. How much doesn't really matter, go by the above and you'll find the right schedule. Enjoy!

Thanks! I’ll do that.

I also looked at Maurizio’s guide over at The Perfect Loaf where he says:

Day Two

You may or may not already see some fermentation activity. As mentioned above, this potential initial surge of activity is typical and should subside around day three. What you can see below is how my initial mixture expanded significantly (in fact it bubbled out of the jar, this is why a bowl below is a good idea). At this point our starter is not yet ready to bake with, this initial surge, while encouraging, will typically disappear by the third or fourth day. Stick to the schedule, and it will come back!

Seems quite common then, so I’ll keep going. He also suggests 26-29 C, which is exactly what I got these days.

On the first attempt I used 50/50 svidden rye and white wheat. I threw that away and started an 100% wholemeal rye starter.

First day it doubled in size. Second day it also rose, but less. Third day it didn’t rise at all, but some bubbles. Today on the fourth day it’s the same, but not a lot of bubbles. Mostly hooch. I feed it more water than flour since the rye can soak up a lot of water.

My question is how should I keep feeding it when it doesn’t respond like the instructions I use say it should? They predict it to be ready for smaller seed feedings after 4-5 days, but that isn’t the case. I tried taking out a small part of it and feed it 1:3:4, but nothing happens, so it’s not ready yet.

Now I got a mixture of 75g of the seed and 50:70 feeding today. What should I do with it the next days? Discard all but 75g and keep going like that or add 50g a few days before discarding down again?


Profile picture for user Heikjo

Little update here in case it might be of help for others.

I did another round of the first three days after day four. I discarded all but 75g, then added 50:70 the next three days. It got bubblier every day and on the next day I again discarded 75 and added 50:70. That made it double overnight. Then I mixed 30:50:70 today and it took off. Ready to go now.