7-day build dough

Profile picture for user sallam


This method is an inspiration from dabrownman's NMNF starter method





Th idea is to start with a tiny 1g seed, the build it up every day for a week until all the ingredients are used up. You can choose to build it in 2,3,4,5,6 or 7 days as you wish.


1kg flour pack

a bottle containing 20g sea salt, disolved in 510g of water


 I use a homemade starter, so the seed is a sourdough. But even if you seed from commercial yeast dough, I recon overtime wild yeast would build up and eventually take over.

 The final dough has a comfortable relaxed feeling when shaped in pizza trays, good oven rise, and a beautiful taste from all the over-fermentation it went through, except day 7 of course.

 You should try it.

 I made a little editable sheet for anyone interested, where you can input your own flour and salt quantities and your preferred hydration percentage, then the sheet will show you the daily build ingredients.

Here is the link:


Here is how sheet looks like:


fill the yellow cells  Day1234567Total
Total flour (g):1000 seed1412361083241074 
Four to water ratio100% water141236108375 536
Final hydration:51% flour2412361083754631000
dough salt2.6% total41236108324107415361536
 6-day build Day123456Total 
   water41236108376 536 
 5-day build Day12345Total  
   water1236108380 536  
 4-day build Day1234Total   
   water36108392 536   
 3-day build Day123Total    
 2-day build Day23Total     

I like your idea but 7 days results in too small quantities at the beginning for my tiny pan so I took the challenge to develop an N-day build chart along the same lines as yours. It was harder than I expected but good fun!


If you make a copy of the sheet above, you should be able to modify the number of days and see the table get regenerated. 

It is strangely right to left because I couldn't figure out how to handle that last flour installment in the other order. 

Only edit the 3 values in bold, the others should take care of themselves. I'm assuming 100% hydration every day except the last.

I'm on the first day of a 5-day dough so it will be a while.

Do you add anything else?

Also, what temperature are you using for fermentation?

Profile picture for user GaryBishop

In reply to by sallam

I like your idea of mixing the salt into the water. You can accomplish that with my sheet by simply increasing the hydration by 2% to account for the salt. 

Unfortunately, on testing your N-day version, less then 7 days don't add up to the total flour and water. The day columns disappear, but that doesn't change the values of the selected days' cells.

Please give me an example. Perhaps in the public copy.

I think you mean the columns disappear, I don't have any rows appearing.

With my formulation, a 4-day build is the same as a 7 day build for the last 4 days. Only the beginning days change by getting smaller. 

if you sum the flour content of 4 days they would be less than the total flour. Same for water. I've tested your own  version. All that happens when you change the number of days from say 5 to 4 or 3,  the columns disappear but the values stay the same in the remaining columns, which means that the flour is not all used as planned nor the water. Only when you type 7 days that everything adds up to the total flour and water. 

To get total flour content on any day, you add 1/2 the seed for that day to the flour added on that day. 

If you sum the flour row, you'll be missing the flour that came in with the seed on day 1. 

Here is an example for 100g of flour and 50% hydration for 3 days.



The total flour on day 3 is 100/2 + 50 = 100g

If you add the flour row you'll get 94.5g but you also have 5.5g from the first day seed.


Yes, but the seed in my method comes from the last dough's residue in the pan. We don't make it from the new dough's flour or water.

I now see where this came from. You counted the flour and water of the seed, which shouldn't be counted in my method, its like a pâte fermentée  (old dough) method. Apologies for not being clear enough on this.





To me, flour is flour regardless of whether it came from a previous batch or fresh. In my formulas I account for every bit. 

People vary on what they count. You should be able to modify that sheet to work the way you want.

I think my starter might be dominated by AAB as suggested by that recent study for starters maintained below 23C. 

My 5-day build resulted in a loaf that barely rose and had structure similar to rye bread. Very acidic with a strong vinegar tang.

I'm having better luck at elevated temperatures.