Just Getting Started..Looking for Advice



I've recently baked my first 2 loaves of sourdough. 

Both tasted great and had a nice crust but the crumb wasn't right.

I'm not sure where I went wrong. I followed this recipe: https://foodgeek.dk/en/artisan-sourdough-bread-recipe-an-easy-recipe-for-crispy-bread/ and the only variation was I ended up leaving the dough to bulk ferment almost double in volume as opposed to the 25% the recipe suggests. The dough was a little bubbly but didn't have big bubbles. It was stretchy (window pane effect looked ok). I thought I shaped ok, seemed to have reasonable surface tension and boule was holding its shape. Proofed in fridge overnight. Scored with a knife (not very successfully) before placing in preheated dutch oven. 

Overall was happy enough because it was delicious but would really like to figure out how to get a more open crumb.  

My starter seems healthy. Feed with rye flour and water 1:1 every day. Wasn't that organised and only fed it approx 3 hours before making the levain the night before but it had doubled in that time and was bubbling away so thought it would be ok. I tend to just eyeball the amount I discard before feeding - basically so it doesn't overflow - is it important for this to be accurate? I didn't weigh the jar before I started (rookie mistake!) so I'd have to transfer to something else. Should I bother - does it matter? 

Have attached a picture of the crumb (not much left by the time I thought to post this). 

Any help/advice greatly appreciated. 

A very nice looking crumb for a first time on a recipe. I do have a question,though. The crumb looks so golden. Was there any WW in the mix or just rye and bread flour?

As far as eyeballing/estimating vs weighing-you will get a wide variety of answers to that query. Both sides passionate. My best loaves are usually estimated but if you want to replicate or share a recipe then it is best to weigh and measure.

I feed my starter by removing a chunk-sometimes half/sometimes more. then I add spring water (tap water not great here) to thin it out and then add enough flour to make a paste-not quite pourable. So much for accuracy but it works for me.

Have fun and let's see which side responds first. :)

Thanks for the advice!


Yes it was just eye flour and strong flour. The light in the room is yellow so it looks a little darker in that pic. 

I measured all ingredients to the gram! :) Wouldn't have any kind of confidence to eyeball it. Also with the starter I do 60g eye flour and water each time. But I don't measure what I'm discarding. From what you've said, that shouldn't affect the bread. 

The crumb is a mystery I'm determined to solve!!

I’m not a fan of having butter or preserves or mustard land in my lap, so wide open lacy crumb isn’t a selling point for me.  

You’ve done well with this bake and have every reason to be pleased with it. 
