Hi everyone! New user here, and new to the sourdough baking club in general (started around April). I have a quick question regarding the loaf here as I’m not always sure how a “gummy” crumb is defined and wanted to check it this was considered gummy? If so, I may try and fix this by baking for a bit longer at a longer temperature next time.
For reference, this is a 50/50 all purpose and red fife bread flour loaf at 83% hydration with about a 5.5 hour bulk fermentation before a 14 hour overnight retard in the fridge. Baked for 25 min at 450 w lid, then 10 min without at 450 and another 10 at 425.
appreciate any guidance! Also if there are any tips on furthering strength for shaping high hydration / whole wheat, super appreciated!
How soon did you cut into it?
after around 3 hours or so - it was fully cooled to the touch but perhaps could try a bit longer
Try overnight at least. The more whole grain flours (esp. rye) the longer you should let it rest. Rye needs 24-28 hrs for example. I bake somewhere between noon and dinner time and I never cut into it before the next morning. Makes a huge difference.