May 30, 2020 - 11:34am
1st attempt at sourdough starter
Hi ,
1st day of my starter when fine 113g ww flour same amount of water, 24 hrs later add 113g white flour same113g water.5 hours later starter doubled in jar temp was 74.2f.
Morning of day 3 starter decreased back to day 2 level. Temp decreased to 70.2f during night. First feeding of started on day 3 was 113g white flour 113g water. Next feeding tonite.
I think I am doing correct procedure but wonder why the overnight decrease.
A normal sequence of events for a flour and water starter is, a burst of activity 2-4 days in, little to no activity for something like 4-7 days, then a steady increase in activity till it has matured a bit - which can be a week or more. What did it smell like during that burst of activity? An off smell (think well used gym socks sprinkled with parmesan cheese) wouldn't be what we want, but but can happen and can be considered normal. A sour/sweet smell would be what a want - that's the good bugs going to work. Off smell - 2-3 weeks before starter may be ready. Good smell - you can probably use it within a week.
Thanks for your reply Phaz...The starter just smelled like flour, still see little bubbles on surface not many bit some. Just fed it for the first time today. /today is dar 4.
Thanks again.
You might want to start to thicken it up a little by reducing the water a tad. It's easier to see the bubbles and rise when it's thicker. Try not to feed too often, wait till you see definite signs of activity (heavy bubbling and rise) before feeding. Feeding too much or too often when the bug population is low can actually have the effect of diluting things and can make the process take a lot longer. Once you get the explosion of activity you can go back to a normal feeding schedule. Enjoy!
Thanks again Phaz....any help is welcome.