Hi I'm new to SD baking and I'm having some trouble. I've been trying to make a nice loaf for a few weeks now and I'm struggling. I'm using 420g unbleached bread flour, 80 whole wheat bread flour, 400 Mls water 75g leven and some salt. I'll fresh feed 30 g of starter with 100g flour and water. Wait till it's good and active. Combine the flours and 380g of the water and let it autolyse for an hour. Then add 75g of the leven mix to combine let sit 45 minutes to an hour then add the salt diluted in the last 20g of water work it in the bowl because it too sticky to work on any surface and just kinda pours around. I know SD is supposed to be sticky stuff but from the videos I was watching it seems like line is excessively sticky (basics with babish SD show and Joshua weissman) its feels unworkable. They show them working the dough on the board and mine just seems limp and flattens out. I do the folds every 15-20 in the bulk ferment stage then work the dough a bit for final shaping before putting it in a lined bowl over night before baking. So my question is is there something wrong with my ratios or process to cause a slack super tacky dough? Does anyone have a better recipe or method?
Appreciate the help.
Your hydration for mainly white flour is very high.
The amount of water flour absorb will vary from one type to a other.
I would try to use less water. Start with 70% and work from there up or down.
Personally, I would have started with 315 g. of water.
I agree with the other comments. That is a fairly high percentage of water, especially if you are new to SD baking. Try scaling that back considerably and see what happens. Keeping it around 350-360 (given the warmer time of year) should yield much more workable dough. You might try using the fridge for your final proof too, which will result in a firmer dough as far as scoring and turning out to bake. Let us know how it goes!
Tried with 350g of water and when left on the board it still went very flat and would not stay stitched up and tight. It just gets... Limp. I'm using an unbleached bread flour and whole wheat unbleached. Wondering if it a a problem with gluten production