Adding raisins or nuts


So I have a recipe that I like and I can fairly consistently get decent results with. Now I'd like to change it up a bit by adding some nuts, or maybe raisins.

How do I do this? Just throw them in during autolyse, or levain mixing? Do I need to adjust anything in the recipe? Increase / decrease hydration?

Thanks in advance!

Are you doing any stretch and folds?

I typically add add-ins during the s&f process, starting with the 2nd s&f.

Works for me.  Your mileage may vary.

Sprinkle them on the dough at the 2nd S&F.  Chad Robertson recommended that in T3 and it's always worked for us, though only with porridge additions.  We don't add nuts and fruit to our breads. 

That said, some people dump the additions in with the levain and salt after the autolyse and report great results.  Which shows to go ya -- try either or both and see what works for you.


If you use lamination that is an ideal time to spread add ins on the laminated dough before folding it up.  You can achieve a very even distribution of the add ins this way.