Good morning,
I was wondering how to best use sun-dried tomato as an ingredient in a sourdough recipe. I’ve tried to search before opening a new topic, but i didn’t find anything relevant. So, here’s the deal:
(1) Would it be better to use dry tomatoes or oil-soaked tomatoes? I’d rather use dry.
(2) If using dry, would it make sense to soak them in warm water previously and for how long? Then squeeze the water out so they’re soft and reasonably dry? That’s what I intuitively did yesterday when making preparations, even if the recipe didn’t call for it.
The recipe, with Parmesan and sun-dried tomato turned out quite nicely (not yet forum presentation quality ;-)) but I’d like to improve on it.
By the way, oven spring was not great (overproofed because of poor time management on my side). Is there anything I should bear in mind when baking with sun-dried tomatoes? Do they somehow affect fermentation?
Thanks as always for your help. Safe bakes!
Adding sun-dried tomatoes to my fougasse dough did not seem to affect fermentation at all. I diced them finely, but did not treat them differently than any other add-ins.