Hi, I'm entirely new to sourdough baking. I made my first starter 8 days ago using 100% spelt flour and have been feeding it daily, and for the last few days twice daily (using cold water). It's out on my countertop.
It seems to be stuck in the same stage for the last few days: there are plenty of bubbles on top but it doesn't rise. No yeasty smell. After a few hours it develops a layer of hooch, which I pour off before I feed it.
What am I doing wrong?
It's just too watery to hold bubbles and expand. Stir in enough flour to create a soft dough, then wait. It should expand nicely in a few hours. Allow it to peak, which may be more than double its original volume. When it begins to collapse, discard part of it and feed again.
Thanks, Paul. I followed your suggestion and made a thicker dough. It bubbles up nicely, but still doesn't rise. Is it because I used spelt flour? I'm on day 9.