March 25, 2020 - 11:06am
Buying vs making a starter
I was wondering if there's a reason to purchase a commercial starter versus making your own. In theory the former gives you a head start on a healthy starter, but is it more often a waste of money?
I was wondering if there's a reason to purchase a commercial starter versus making your own. In theory the former gives you a head start on a healthy starter, but is it more often a waste of money?
Unless you have seen the active starter (like a baker or friend showed it to you), I wouldn't spend money on it...I also think it's much more satisfying to build one from scratch, it's not that difficult.
I don't have an in-person helper, and it was before I discovered this web site, so I decided to purchase a dehydrated starter. I was willing to pay for the simplicity and avoid confusion and some unknown factors. I was willing to pay for the "known quantity" factor.
The going commercial rate is $10.99, amazon or elsewhere. However, volunteers at will send you some dehydrated for a S.A.S.E. and a $1 donation. I got some of theirs, and it doubled on the fourth day of feeding, could raise a loaf on the 7th day, but didn't stabilize or "balance out" until maybe the 10th.
If you can upload pictures, you can get online help here, if you want to go the full DIY route.
If you choose to DIY, whole rye flour (such as Bob's Red Mill) seems the surest bet to get started initially. 2nd choice is whole wheat. 3rd choice is white flour (preferably unbleached). Regular feedings after initial creation can be cheap white flour.
Bon chance, bon appétit!
Is more rewarding. Buying a starter supposedly means you have a higher chance of success rate but that's only because you haven't made one before. So it's giving a push in the right direction in helping the person not the starter. Often I've seen people take a week or two when reviving them and it only takes a week (sometimes two) to make one from scratch. Question is have you revived a starter or made one from scratch. Now granted I've made many which helps me make a starter with more ease but the last one I made took 3 days.
Have you ever heard the saying, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is? Well, I think that applies here. Now if I were the skeptical type I might even go as far as saying you're actually building a new one, while you're reviving the dormant/dead one.