The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Underproofed Sourdough?

EricaGogogo's picture

Underproofed Sourdough?

I just started my sourdough making recently and have made 5 loafs so far. Some of them were disasters and some came out fine. Here is my latest sourdough with the texture showing in the picture. I did bulk fermentation for about 6 hours under 77F and proof for about 2 hours. I am wondering this is considered normal texture or too dense for a sourdough bread. It doesn't feel as spongy or soft as some pictures I saw online. Is this looking good or maybe underproofed?


MichaelLily's picture

I would suggest using a more mature levain. That loaf is a tad underproofed.

EricaGogogo's picture

I tested my levain on the floating test and it did float. However, I suspect that it relates to my starter. My starter was unfed for one week. I discarded most but one tablespoon of my starter and fed it with 100g 50/50 flour mix and 100g water the night before I made the dough. In the morning I tested my starter and it smelled not too sour and passed the float test. I used that as my levain. Should I feed the starter one more time before I use it to make the levain?