January 9, 2008 - 7:20am
Nancy Silverton's Challah
I'm thinking of baking it next week (recipe from the book Breads from the La Brea Bakery). Has anyone tried it? Any comments or tips?
Does it keep fresher longer - if you don't have the book, she makes an applesauce from Granny Smith apples and includes that in the recipe, uses a little saffron, and significant durham and semolina in the flour mixture.
I'm wondering also if the apples and saffron are perceivable as apples and saffron in the final challah, or do they just disappear into a moist textured golden challah?
I to was thinking about having a go with this one, perhaps i'll give it a go this weekend and see what happens. As i'm in the UK I may have to adapt the ingreadients.
Dave W