The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Sourdough Sandwich Bread

kij22's picture

Sourdough Sandwich Bread

Long-time lurker, first time poster!  I have been making no-knead and rustic sourdough bread for years, with decent results. Now that my kids older and we are eating a regular loaf of sandwich bread every few days, my wife requested I start making daily sandwich bread.  Still wanting to use sourdough starter, I experimented, using "" as a starting place.  Only change I made was using half milk and half water for the liquid and I only used sourdough starter, no yeast.  I adjusted for this through a longer first proof (2.5 hours) and an even longer 2nd proof in the pans (3.5 hours). I just waited until it rose a half-inch above the pan.

Excellent result!  Super light and airy with tons of flavour.   I also adjusted heat - heating the oven to 425, the lowering it to 375 when I put the pans in, baking for 40 mins.   I also put a large ice cube in a heated empty pan for some steam. It made the crust nice, but perhaps a tad bit chewier than I usually like. I might use a smaller ice cube next time.   Anyways, just thought I'd share!   Also, I would love it if someone could share a tried and true Sourdough Sandwich Bread recipe.

HansB's picture

I may have to try that.

vstyn's picture

If I say that bread in the store, I would buy it!  I will that recipe with your changes.

clazar123's picture

Do you have dry milk AND liquid milk in your recipe? Does it taste sweet from the 1/4 c sugar?

The crust and crumb look lovely!

kij22's picture

I didn't use any powdered. Just changed liquids to 50 milk, 50 water.

cblueribbon's picture

I have used a recipe from by Donna M., Basic Sourdough Bread, with good results.  Changed it a little, used more starter & milk.  There is also a recipe in The Village Baker by Joe Ortiz, page 194 in my book.  Capitola Sourdough Sandwich Loaf.  Have not tried it yet.

kij22's picture

Thanks!  I'll have to check those out!