Happy New Year - starters on holiday

Profile picture for user drogon

Hello folks - not been able to spend much time here as the Moorbakes bakery was working flat-out up to Christmas then we all went on holiday to India for a few weeks!

So before I went, I put my starters in the fridge as usual. They had last been used on the 23rd Dec. for a bake on the 24th and until today (15th Jan) they've been in the fridge, resting...

I've never had any fears or issues leaving them for a while - I know some folks have and that there are "sourdough hotels" to look after and do the feed/discard on your pets while away, but I'm firmly in the camp of feed them when you use them and at no other times...


So this this is what they looked like earlier today:

and from the top:

(White) wheat on the left, spelt in the middle and rye on the right.

the Rye has the most "hooch" on-top, but the spelt also had some and the wheat a little. All jars made a reassuring "pssht" when opened.

I did decide to do a refresh on them though - it's Sunday today and I'm using them tomorrow, so it was prudent to just make sure. They also smelt and tasted far too acidic for my likes. I stirred them up and poured out 500g from both the wheat and spelt and 400g from the Rye. This left about 50-60g in each jar. Topped up the wheat and spelt with 250g flour + 250g water - the Rye is at 150% hydration, so it got 160g flour and 240g water.

Left them on the bench for a few hours and...

So lots of life although not as active as they might be, but it's a bit chilly right now, and smelling good (or at least a lot better than they did!)

But yes - I did throw away the stuff I poured out about 660g flour in total - not the end of the world in terms of money, but worth it to make sure my starters are healthy for tomorrow.

Hope you're all having a good start to 2017 bread wise!


-Gordon @ Moorbakes




It looks as though you and the starters are bubbling along.  

I was in India on business in November and may need to return.  Having just got home from vacation in Hawaii, I'd prefer to return to Hawaii, instead.
