Yesterday, I baked the Polish Cottage Rye from Daniel Leader's "Local Breads." It is, as described, a very wet dough. Forming the boule was more like folding and pinching seams than my usual rotating and tucking procedure. In any case, the resulting bread was pretty. It was delicious 3 hours out of the oven - very moist and tender with distinct sweet and sour overtones. This morning, toasted with butter and apple butter, the rye flavor was more prominant.
Polish Cottage Rye from "Local Bread"
Polish Cottage Rye from "Local Bread" - Crumb
I'm about to put Leader's Silesian Dark Rye in the oven ... Right now.
David ~
Very nice !! You free formed this into a boule ? What about a lagre cloth-line bowl?
Doing that would help keep its height - right ? Not sure - I`ve had some bread come out of the final proof looking nice and then spread more then they jumped with the oven spring. Looking for a rye bread to use for making rubens with. And this looks alsome Plus you mentioned very distint sweet and sour overtones.
This is a for sure recipe to try.
Thanks for the post & pictures ( OL still trying to post pic`s of my starter and bread-
thinking of using photobucket - nothing else is working.
Good Job!
Mini O