This is my take on a bread by Emmanuel Hadjiandreou in How to make Bread with a few variations including an overnight fermentation. This bread is NOT overly sweet so don't be turned off by that!
330 g white bread flour (I used KAF Organic High Gluten but will try AP next time)
170g 100% hydration sourdough starter
200 g warm water
8 g salt
20 g unsweetened cocoa powder
30 g espresso powder
125 g unsweetened dried bing cherries
80 g semisweet chocolate chips
75 g dark chocolate covered cranberries (can omit and add extra cherries or chocolate chips)
In a large bowl mix flour and water until just combined and let rest 30 min.
Add the rest of the ingredients until well mixed. Stretch and fold in the bowl every 45 min or an hour until dough feels well developed. This took 5 hours for me in my cold kitchen. When dough is developed divide in 2 and shape into 2 rounds. I used an oblong banneton that holds 2 lbs of dough and laid the rounds side by side seam side up but shape however you wish. Place in plastic bag and refrigerate overnight.
Next day take out dough and proof. This took me 3-1/2 hours and I had it in my over the stove microwave with the light on.
Preheat oven to 425F. Score dough however you wish and sprinkle with white flour. Load in oven on baking stone with added steam if desired. Bake for 30 minutes. Internal temp was 190F for me. Mine was a bit dark on the bottom so I may make an adjustment for future bakes
Yummm! Looks delicious. ;) Is the colour all from the espresso or from melted chocolate / cocoa powder?
Compare to similar recipe without espresso and cocoa powders:
Also a very good recipe, although I did a yeasted version.
This is so mouth watering, especially in the morning before my breakfast. YES! I would love to have the recipe please..can't wait to try it out.
I will make a new post for the recipe....the color comes mainly from cocoa powder..
It's actually most informative to have everything relating to one recipe in one place :-)
Tasty looking bread!
Agree. Just edit the original post and add it there!
I'm putting this on my "TO DO" list right now! That looks awesome!
He loves cherries and chocolate and coffee! The crumb looks delectable! Well done
This is on my list to do as soon as time permits. again... Yumm!
Thanks AbbyGirl :)
Cherries-and-chocolate, and-coffee-and-sour-dough... These are a few of my faaay - vor- ite THINGS!
Okay, Julie Andrews I'm not, but this is definitely going on MY to-do list as well. This will be my first entry on the to-do list, so it should be coming out of the oven soon, hopefully!
Can anyone tell me how much fresh brewed espresso it would take to replace the 30g Espresso powder called for in this recipe? I'm sure I could get espresso powder, but being an almost coffee snob, it just seems wrong to not use fresh brewed espresso. That is, unless there is a good technical reason why the powder would work better. I am still somewhat of a baking noobie, so I don't know these things. I'm assuming too, that the amount of water in the espresso would be reduced 1:1 from the recipe - right?
could certainly be expresso coffee making it as strong as possible.
I'm really looking forward to making this bread. I just gotta get all those ingredients my kitchen doesn't yet have in stock, like dried bing cherries!
Hey David let me know how it is with the reall deal espresso. I had KAF espresso powder on hand which is why I used that..
Here's my take on this yummy bread
The house smells great!! and bread taste heavenly. I could easily finish this loaf on my own as it is not over sweet cause there is no sugar added, the crust is thin and the best is times to times there is a big chunk of chocolate lava being sliced into..Don't immagine, you just have to bake this.
Breakfast will never be the same again..
Happy baking!
Nice job it looks great!
I'm working on it. I think I'm going to leave out the chocolate covered cranberries, and use more cherries instead. So, the only ingredients I will need to buy are the cherries and some chocolate chips. I may be baking it this weekend, because that's when I'll have the time. Thanks for posting this recipe. I wanna eat some right now, with a generous scoop of vanilla ice cream and a good hot cup of coffee!
...to really mess it up, get me to do it! (But, at least there's a happy ending.)
I wanted to make this bread to take to our church Christmas party last night, so I needed to start on it Saturday afternoon. Well, first, I didn't have my espresso, but I needed to get started, so I hurriedly mixed up some flour and water to sit for 30 minutes while I went to the coffee shop. I got there 10 minutes after they'd closed. I quickly mourned my loss and headed home to make some regular coffee, so at least I'd have something. Well, after I'd gotten that accomplished, and the 30 minutes were up, so it was time to add the other ingredients, then I realized it. I was supposed to be substituting coffee for the water! Aaaagh! So, I quickly decided it was gonna be a double batch. I threw some more flour in the bowl and added the coffee. I didn't let it rest, but mixed it all in and proceeded. I used two bags of natural dried cherries, at 142g each, and 204g of chocolate chips. These amounts far exceeded the recipe, but I was trying to make up for the chocolate covered cranberries not being there. Plus, I was making this as a dessert, so I wanted it to be sweet enough. The rest of the ingredients I doubled.
Once I mixed it all up, I ended up doing three S&F's 45 minutes apart. Then I rolled the dough into a log and wrapped it around inside my tube pan. I put the tube pan inside my covered cake plate to keep in moisture, and stuck it in the fridge overnight. Yesterday afternoon, I took it out and let it warm up and proof in my oven with the light on for a couple hours. Then I baked it as directed, and took it out of the oven just in time to carry it to the church Christmas party. Fearing it may not be so great, with all my mis-steps, I had to try it before anyone else got a chance, just in case. So, I slivered off a small slice, and OOOHHH how goooood it was! So, the rest of it got sliced up, and placed on the table with the other desserts. Everyone who tried it was ooh-ing and ahh-ing and making happy faces and saying things like "oh-my-gosh!" The bread had a chewy crust and soft crumb, with chocolate lava flowing throughout. The cherries were somewhat sweet, but the ones on top, that got direct heat, were pleasantly tart. Next time, I'll make sure I have espresso, and the right amount of it. But, thanks to abbygirl for sharing this amazing bread, even though I never got to sit down with a cup of coffee and a scoop of ice cream to enjoy it.
Here's a shot of my bread after slicing, with one slice on top to see the crumb:
My poor tube pan, empty at the end of the night:
Just a few cherries stuck to the bottom. I didn't take any bread home.
Now go and make yourself a loaf! :)