The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


Anonymous baker's picture
Anonymous baker (not verified)



I made this Columbia Bread yesterday using mountaindogs adjustments to Glezer's recipe but changing the time schedule. I started the lavain at 7:00am and followed through the instructions as directed. At 8:30pm the dough was ready to shape. After shaping I put it in the fridge till the next morning at 6:00am when I took it out to continue rising (although it rose a lot in the fridge). At 8:30am I baked them. This was by far the best tasting of the Columbias I've made. I think my sourdough starter is getting better flavor now and I could taste the difference. These loafs are huge and the crust is tender but very nice and crisp....from being in the fridge maybe.

Susan's picture

Thanks for posting them. Is that my chair behind the loaves?


weavershouse's picture
weavershouse (not verified)

Sure is if you're coming half way across the country but bring that magic pyrex bowl with you.                             weavershouse

zolablue's picture

I found them, Weavershouse. Those really are nicely risen Columbia loaves!  I love that bread so much and even the smell while making it is so heavenly because of the toasted wheat germ.  Great job and makes me want to make some more.

Rosalie's picture

I joined this forum a couple weeks ago, and I am constantly awed by the beautiful mouth-watering pictures I keep seeing, this Columbia Bread included.  I don't (yet) have a digital camera.  Posting beautiful pictures to this site would be an incentive to get one, except that my breads rarely turn out that beautiful.  Delicious, always, but not usually that beautiful.


weavershouse's picture
weavershouse (not verified)

Hi Rosalie,I found this Fresh Loaf site about 6 months ago when I Googled "sourdough". I couldn't believe the photos of such beautiful bread. I was hooked and my bread baking is better than it was the last 30 years. I never thought I'd be taking photos of my bread and posting them anywhere but there you go! It's such fun. Hope you get a camera and join the Bread Obsession. Thanks for the kind words.                               weavershouse