The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Book News: Dan Lepard and Kiko Denzer

Two books of interest to artisan bakers are being rereleased this month:

Dan Lepard's The Handmade Loaf is finally being released in North America. The publisher, concerned that American won't understand what a handmade loaf is, have retitled it The Art of Handmade Bread: Contemporary European Recipes for the Home Baker. I've not seen the North American version yet, but the UK edition is highly recommended.

More discussion of Dan Lepard's book (including some comments from him) can be found here or on Dan Lepard's site.

Kiko Denzer and Hannah Field's book Build Your Own Earth Oven is being released in its third edition this month. Though not strictly a baking book, it does contain a very good chapter on sourdough baking. It is a beautiful book in its own right, and is sure to make you consider building an earth oven in your own back yard.

More information on the revisions to the third edition are available on the Hand Print Press website.

Kiko and Hannah are doing workshops this summer too.

Book News: Dan Lepard and Kiko Denzer