I plan to start packaging the grain I raise on my hobby farm and would like to send out samples, free of charge as a trial run. The sample packages are hard red spring wheat to those interested.
The grain I raised this year is #1 grade with no chemicals (ie roundup) used to terminate the crop before harvest.
please email me if your are interested leemorberg@hotmail.com
Thank you!
Thanks for the sample, Lee. If you can get shipping down, I would consider you for my next 50 lb purchase.
I used the grain to bake Yohan Ferrant’s “Do Nothing Bread”.
Lee, do you know the percentage of protein in your grain?
Danny- I'm sorry I didn't notice your questions earlier! Protein really ranged this year from 11-14, on the same field even. I do have some of last years wheat that ran 14+ consistently, roundup was used on it to desiccate though. Let me know what works for you. I did get around to loading a few different size boxes last night and how much I can fit to identify your freight costs, an email will be sent out later today.
I'm looking forward to receiving it and posting a bake. Perhaps you can use flat rate packing for your flour to lower costs . c
Thank you everyone for the interest! I received great feed back and loved seeing the bread post! For those who are interested in purchasing, please do so through my eBay store!
Agassiz Commodities
I made three 1-2-3 loaves . Each had 100 g of your wheat along with durum, spelt and a local mill provides my unbleached flour. I used 3 different levain. #1 was my 10 yr old SD starter fed with unbleached ,#2 was my 7 yr old Apple YW fed with unbleached and #3 was my SD starter fed with semolina. Amazing rising power with almost no hands on time. I milled all but the unbleached flour. I mixed all but salt and left to rest for one hour. I then pat the dough paperthin and apply the salt with sprays of additional water. I fold the dough left to right like strudel and then end to end. Rest for one hour. Repeat patting and fold once more. Leave till puffy.. only took 2 hrs. I don’t shape so much as I pull in the edges and pinch lightly and retard pinched side down. My oven is broken so I have to be careful of temps . It was supposed to be fixed today but that didn’t happen! I am so pleased with the fragrance of the breads and the addition of your flour made the dough a pleasure to work with. I will report on crumb and flavor tomorrow.
The first crumb shot is the Semolina fed SD levain. Flavor is VERY wheat and only a tiny bit sour. Crumb is extremely tender almost cake like and the crust is shatteringly crisp and caramelized. We love it. The second is the Apple YW crumb. Slightly sweet with no sour at all which is typical of YW. Very tender crumb as well and crust also delicious. The wheat flavor comes through amazingly well. I didn’t cut the batard it is a gift but I will let you know when it is cut on Nov 25th at a dinner we will attend.
Thank you again and I look forward to using your flour .
I'm in awe, looks fabulous!