Blog posts

Grant Loaf

Made the Grant loaf from ‘World Encyclopedia of Bread and Bread Making’. 1/3 recipe =1 loaf Used 100% hard white wheat, fresh milled. No-knead recipe, but the dough was stiffer than I’d expected. Added 1 TBSP of gluten with the dry ingredients. Turned into small Dutch oven, covered, to rise. Result: pretty tasty, but crumbly. Fresh loaf had a crisp/crackly crust and soft crumb. Mistakes - forgot to preheat oven so the dough rose too long.

75% Hydration SD Oat Baguettes

Profile picture for user WanyeKest
Oat Baguettes

Learning baking baguettes was so much fun! I chose to postpone my endeavor for soybean baguettes, since the muslims where I live are about to enter fasting month, and l'm planning to do bakesale selling breaking-the-fast treats and loaves for pre-fasting meals. I need cosmetically acceptable enough result for photos to market my bakes.

Please help me on how to start a starter!


I am very new to sourdough, as I have only made 2 loaves (1 Biga/poolish and one with a bit of starter from a friend).

I want to be able to make my own sourdough starter, but as of yet every single one of my starters either fails to double after two weeks of feeding every 12 hours or becomes so acidic (smells like ammonia, this smell usually starts within 4-5 days after I begin my starter) that it fails to rise at all.

I will try to be as thorough as I can in my explanations and how I do it.

This is how I usually make my starter:

120 grams bread flour (pilsbury)

Whole Wheat Spelt 2 Cheese SD

Profile picture for user Isand66
Main image WW Spelt 2 Cheese SD Bread



I love adding cheese to my bakes. Usually, I cut the cheese in small pieces or chunks and fold them in, but I decided I wanted to use shredded cheese and added some to the starter. I used Parmesan and smoked cherry cheddar cheese. The combination really imparted a noticeable cheese flavor and when the bread is toasted or grilled it smells amazing.

Experiment with new no name flour

bread loaf

Just out of curiosity started an experiment with some no name(*) white flour (soft wheat) from the supermarket, protein 11%-12%. Nothing special, I assume the amount of gluten is rather below average.

I'm curios, how far I can go. Started with 5% whole wheat, 5% rye, 65% hydration, cold final proof. I'd prefer warm final proof, but was not possible because of time constraints.