dabrownman's blog

Mini's 100% Hydration Rye, Walnut and Seed Bread with Soaker Water & Dopplebock

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The last bread we are making for Thanksgiving is Mini’s Rye Bread at 100% hydration sans Chia seeds but adding a Munich Dopplebock, some soaker water, flax seed and yeast water to the mix and deleting the gargantuan pine nuts she found in Chili.  Her bake is found here:


Mini's 100% Dark Rye & Chia Recipe ...Love at 104% hydration

Lucy’s YW White Bread for Thanksgiving Croutons

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It seems the only time we ever make a plain white bread is for the Thanksgiving croutons we use for the stuffing.  We have all kinds of whole grain SD breads in the freezer; some have nuts, some with seeds, some fruits, some with at least 2 of the 3 and many flush with the works.


YW & SD 50% Rye with Scald, Onions & Young’s Double Chocolate Stout

Profile picture for user dabrownman

Lucy worked hard, using Varda’s Tzitzel quest as a starting point, to do 3 takes on Tzitzel.  We liked take 2 of the 3 tries to date the best.  But it just wasn’t enough of a full bodied, deep flavored bread to stand up to the kind of smoky mats we like.

With Eric Hanner’s first anniversary of his passing upon us, I couldn’t help but make a stronger rye based on his died minced onions and soaker water we like so much in deli rye breads.

Almost Twin White Breads - One YW / SD and One SD

Profile picture for user dabrownman

It has been a long time since we have done any YW baking and it was time to refresh the YW after 4 weeks hiding in the fridge.  We decided at the last minute to do a test comparison bake. One with a YW/SD levain and one with just a SD levain.


15 % Whole Grain SD and YW Orange, Cranberry Walnut Bread

Profile picture for user dabrownman

This Friday’s bake started out as 2 bakes which were originally to be completed while we were smoking some brisket and pork sirloin over 12 hours.  Neither bread was to be  retarded but completed within 12 hours – not including the time it took to build the SD and YW levains.


What is the Best Thing You Can Put On Pumpernickel?

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I’m not sure exactly but Pate Maison has to be one of them.  The great thing about Pate Maison is that it is true to its name.  As master of your house, you can put what ever you want in it so it is like your favorite loaf of bread you invented and like the best.


38 % Whole Grain Multi Grain SD with Sprouts, Pumpkin and Sunflower Seeds

Profile picture for user dabrownman

After last Friday’s bake of 2 different breads from on dough we decided to do only one this week.  We upped the whole grains to 38% from 20%  and used 8 different grains in the home milled portion of the flour.


In keeping with out recent process, we sifted out the 25% of hard bits and used that for the first feed of the multigrain levain and the 2nd feeding was the part of the 75% portion.

Owlloween White Buns made with a Poolish & SD Levain

Profile picture for user dabrownman

We had Owlloween this year.  My daughter and I always carved a traditional pumpkin for each Halloween until she went off to college so the last 4 years no pumpkin carving….but this year she was back and being a Chi Omega we decided to carve a owl in this year’s pumpkin – since owls are something special of all Chi O’s.


YW Primer

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Teketeke Bread

teketeke got me going with my YW a couple of years ago and I have helped quite a few others, as she helped me, to get theirs going. Here is what I basically sent them but fixing all the spelling and grammar errors I could find.  Hope this will help all who want give YW a shot – it is so worth having another child in the kitchen.