In July we hosted an exchange student from Beijing. Each day his class took a field trip to some place notable in Oregon: the coast, Mt Hood, downtown Portland, the Columbia River Gorge. Oddly enough, one of the field trips they took was to Bob's Red Mill. I tagged along that day.
First we went to Bob's store and cafe.
The last time I was here the store and cafe were pretty small, but it has been greatly expanded.
The cafe featured pancakes and hot cereals that featured Bob's grains. I stuck with their whole wheat biscuits and jam, which were excellent.
After breakfast we went for a tour of their new warehouse and production facility.
I was impressed by how seriously they take "Gluten-free" processing. The gluten-free area is completely isolated from the rest of the processing, with completely separate mills, grain bags, even fork lifts. I guess I'd never really thought about how much is involved in guaranteeing that there gluten-free products are truly 100% gluten free.
An example of one of the stone mills they use today. I believe they are Skiold mills.
Mills at work. Not a terribly dynamic scene to photograph, but interesting nonetheless.
Bags of grain ready to grind.
I'll admit, the exchange students were a bit bored on the tour: the five minute nutritional comparision of golden versus red flax seeds wasn't really up their alley (Niketown, however). But I enjoyed the tour and the cafe and store are awesome.

Thanks for the pics. They have an aisle for each grain variety, even sorghum? Must be a big ass store.
I have read about Bob's Red Mill products in some of the posts on this site and they carry a couple of the Bob's Red Mill products at our local Publix supermarket, way down here in Florida.
The photos remind me a little of some of the Japanese steel mills that have only a few people, mostly montoring the computers that control the manufacturing processes.
Thanks for the photos of the mill's factory floor, very interesting. I presume those large white bags of grain get lifted, somehow, up to the hoppers of the 3 grinders located on what looks like a catwalk, with stairs, elevated above the factory floor. Were you able to see that happen? Where does the output from the grinders go?
Howard - St. Augustine, FL
Really appreciate you sharing the information re: the process. It's truly reassuring to know that there are still companies in the heartland of the U.S. that are doing such a meticulous job of "getting it right". I would love to see Red Mill's operation. Maybe someday.
In my "previous life" I did a lot of work (software development, testing and monotoring) and worked with The Boeing Company for a while and have seen the results of how efficient and effective a manufacturing process can be made through use of well designed, monotored, computerized systematic processes. From your description and photos, Red Mill has the looks of a well managed company; very clean factory floor, regular machinery maintenance, thoroughly mechanized with great attention to detail. Red Mill's business philosophy reminds me of Field of Dreams---"Build it, and they will come".
Again, thanks for taking the time to explain the process.
Howard - St. Augustine, FL
I used to be a big-time user of Bob's Red Mill flours, and I loved them. But, like Howard in Florida, they're a long way from where I live in Connecticut, and eventually I realized that the responsible thing to do was to buy more locally milled flour. :-(
Bob's is also, as far as I know, completely stone-ground flour. Floyd, can you confirm this?
Anecdote: there was a PBS series about several modern-day families trying to live in the manner of the late 19th century, really roughing it. I think the idea was to see who could last the longest, and there were some very strained situations! Oh yeah, the point: Bob's Red Mill flour was used on the series, if I recall, because it was the closest they could come to the kind of milling done a century plus ago. Of course, as you demonstrate, it's much cleaner today.
I keep wishing they'd open a mill on the East Coast!
Thanks, Floyd
Soundman (David)
I was just over there the other day for the first time with my mother-in-law. I'm a new baker...and there is no place like Bob's for insipration. Have you been across the street to Dave's Killer Bread? Also very cool. Good bread with a good story.