The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Overproofed? Underproofed?

Helle's picture

Overproofed? Underproofed?

Hey lovely bakers, I'm new here and this isn't a fancy loaf. It's made of wholemeal bread flour, granary and a dash of strong white. It rose a bit but it's no where near as fluffy and airy as I'd like. It looks somehow fluffier in these pics than the actual reality. The crumb is really quite dense. Bulk was for about 50 mins, followed by shaping and a further 40-45 mins. Your thoughts are really appreciated. 

bikeprof's picture
bikeprof really helps to give more information to get good feedback...including your whole formula and process.

At first glance, I'm not sure proofing is your main issue...

Helle's picture

Ahhhh. I’m a novice. I used 200g granary flour, 100g strong white, 200g wholemeal bread flour, about 300ml water, 7g yeast, 40ml olive oil.

kneaded for 10mins, bulk for 50min, shape and second rise for 40-45min


baked 220C for 25 min, then 200 for 10 min. Had a pan of water in over to create steam.