The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Remember this

Tony Petruzziello's picture
Tony Petruzziello

Remember this

Hello everyone, I'm a new member. I was going through some of the blog posts and I came across a number that spoke about an article printed in the Bread Lines magazine of The Bread Bakers Guild of America. Tee spoke of a standardized calculator to make our lives easier. Well I put it together and it's yours free for the asking. I wanted to upload it here for a quick download, but the system won't allow me to upload an Excel file.

If someone knows how I might do that, let me know. Otherwise, email me at and I'll send it to you.


Yippee's picture

and share the link here for anyone interested in accessing it.


tpassin's picture

I haven't tried it but usually systems will accept a zip file.  Just zip your excel file and see if it gets accepted.


Tony Petruzziello's picture
Tony Petruzziello

Here is the link to the latest Excel file.  In this version I've added a sheet to calculate the required water temperature to reach a final dough temperature.

 BBGA Bread Calc v2.xlsx

Let me know of any issues.
