The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Cairnspring in starter

petite's picture

Cairnspring in starter

Hello - I am trying Cairnspring trailblazer flour for the first time. I used it to feed my starter and it’s not liking it. I know it can take some time to adapt but should I continue to discard and feed everyday? I tried adding some of my previous bread flour yesterday but it’s still not responding and is pretty flat. Any suggestions?

Abe's picture

Then the worst thing you can do is feed it again. Give it a stir every 12 hours and wait till it responds. 

My old starter used to work fine with any flour but not rice flour. When feeding it rice flour it would sulk for 24 hours and then grudgingly bubble up. After which it would bubble up on cue just fine even with rice flour. 

But if it does nothing and you start discarding and feeding again then you'll only be throwing out what left of the yeast and bacteria from the last feed, further diluting it. 

It's been fed now wait. 

Davey1's picture

No. You feed when it's needed - which it's not. Enjoy!